Need to Know News (7 January 2022) with Joe Olson

1 year ago

The Democrats are moving full steam ahead with plans to block Trump from running again in 2024 on the ground that he "incited an insurrection" on 6 January 2021, which is complete poppycock. As David Marcus explained in The Federalist long ago (30 January 2021) shortly after the event at the Capitol, the U.S. Supreme Court set a high standard for "incitement", which none of his actions come close to meeting; and there was no effort to overthrow the government on that occasion, just a protest with many participants having no idea it had been orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi. They are going to die trying, because they know that--unless the could steal the election of 2024 on the scale they stole the election in 2020, they have no chance of defeating him. Meanwhile, the death and devastation from the vax--not the pandemic--brings millions of lives to termination, the more each day the "vaccination" agenda is allowed to move ahead. Mike Adams lays out the numbers and they are very scary, indeed. This monstrous genocidal program must be brought to an immediate end. Yesterday is not soon enough.

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