Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 (1 January 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

75% of Americans believe there are only two genders (or sexes), male and female, the denial of which appears to be a dogma of the radical left. The BJM (British Medical Journal) has taken Facebook to task for using fake "fact checkers" to discredit real "fact checkers" about vaccine-related issues, which has become brazen beyond words. Babies are dying from having mothers who are vaxxed to an extent that makes any alternative explanation ridiculous. Trump has gotten a "free pass" in relation to his promotion of the vax and encouraging his followers to get the jab. After the lockdowns he initiated (wrongly, it has become all-too-apparent), he has to be held accountable for his actions. It is completely outrageous that he continues to promote a gene-altering injection that is bringing about death and damage beyond belief. Joe Olson and I have now commenced a series of Real Deal shows on climate change, which demonstrates already (first show) that there is no correlation between CO2 levels and temperature increases, which means there is no causal connection, either.

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