The Real Deal: Climate Change: Myth vs. Reality, Part 1 (1 Jan 2022) with Joe Olson, P.E.

2 years ago

While Earth has undergone periods of warming and cooling, they turn out to be unrelated to CO2, where the absence of a correlation between increased CO2 and global warming means there cannot be a causal connection (or, at best, only subtle, slight and highly convoluted links between them). A correlation between two variables is a necessary condition for their causal connection and, in this case, that correlation does not exist--even over 600 million years of climatology. Even when there are correlations--such as between smoking and cancer or between vaccinations and autism--there have been heated debates over the existence of a causal connection (principally motivated by profit motive on behalf of the tobacco companies and of the vaccine manufactures, in the cases cited). But in the absence of correlation, there is no causation--which is not open to bona fide debate. Hence, while climate change does occur and is real, there is no correlation between Earth's temperature and quantities of CO2 in the atmosphere.

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