Robert Crimino - Memory Holed Video 2 7/4/2022

1 year ago

This video by Robert Crimino aka "Awake the Rapper" depicts Crimino fantasizing about a school shooting. The video was uploaded March 15, 2021. Background imagery includes the Pittsburgh Post Gazette headline about the assignation of Lee Harvey Oswald, the numbers 47 and 23, and Crimino being killed.

Crimino is currently being held in connection with the July 4th Highland Park Parade Shooting


Like a sleepwalker,
I am breaking through.
No matter what.

Like a sleepwalker,
Unable to stop and think.
My actions will be valiant.
And my thought is unnecessary,
I know what I have to do.

I know what's in it.
Not only for me,
but for everyone else.
Where am I going?
I don't know.
I don't care.
There is not past or future.
Just a now.

It is more abstract
Than I could ever imagine.
I can feel,
The atmosphere pushing me in.

It's unstoppable.
Like a wave pulling me under,
I can't breathe without it.

I can't see or hear what I don't want.
I need to leave now.
I need to just do it.

It is my destiny.

Everything has led up to this.
Nothing can stop me, not even myself.

Is there such thing as free will?
Or has this been planned out,
Like a cosmic recipe.

It is what I've been waiting for
In the back of my head,
Ready to be awakened.
It is what I was sent here to do.

Like a sleepwalker,
Walking steady with my head held high.
Like a sleepwalker,
Walking blindly into the night.

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