Need to Know News (24 December 2021) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

Biden's marketing and promotion of Big Pharma might put their PR departments out of business, when he is reaching a larger audience and pimping their products for no charge. The DEMs seem to be reduced to bashing Trump (which it would seem will never end) and promoting the vax (which could equally run on forever). Sad to say, non of this benefits the American people or the best interests of the nation. The way in which they are attacking Joe Manchin might motivate him to switch parties (or at least become and independent and caucus with the GOP). McConnell has made him an offer he may be unable to refuse (by remaining as head of the Energy Committee in a new GOP-majority Senate). 291 deaths of athletes at the top of their game--many of whom dropped dead on the playing field--ought to be the focus of news around the world, but we hardly hear about it at all, which is one more sign of the complete control of the media by the Rothschild Banking Empire, which appears to be moving the world toward One World Government by a global elite under the guise of "The Great Reset". We are in deep trouble as this master plan unfolds.

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