Need to Know News (20 December 2021) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

2 years ago

A three-judge panel from the 6th Court of Appeals has overridden the 5th Circuit Courts rejection of the Biden OSHA mandates, which are (in my view) clearly beyond the authority of OSHA and require action by Congress to have a chance of passing Constitutional muster. We shall see what the Supreme Court has to say. Joe Manchin deserves a statue in his honor for opposing the Build Back Better fiasco the Democrats have been pushing, which now appears to be completely dead in the water and would have cost more than double it's published price tag of $1.75t. The Democrats may be thrown a bone to campaign on if the Supreme Court rejects Roe v. Wade, which I (personally) hope does not happen, because it would encourage half the country to vote for the party that is dead-set on bringing America to its knees. Fauci wants a "universal vaccine" for a constantly-mutating virus, which is a scientific impossibility, while the US and NATO bait the Bear over Ukraine, which (if war breaks out) is not going to end well for the allies.

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