Need to Know (17 November 2021) with Giuseppe Vafanculo (while David Scorpio celebrates his b-day)

1 year ago

Oklahoma National Guard refuses the vaccine mandate and the Pentagon declares that it has not choice. Steve Bannon's lawyer explains that he had no choice but to refuse the Congressional subpoena because former President Trump asserted his Executive Privilege. A Texas Rep. has switched from Democrat to Republican because the Biden admin is not consistent with the values of his (Hispanic) community. Alex Jones found liable on procedural grounds, which are independent of the question, Did 20 children and 6 adults die at Sandy Hook?, which no court has yet to address. Kyle Rittenhouse should be acquitted of all charges, but the Judge did not sequester the jury or simplify the jury instructions, which may lead to a hung jury--in which case he may grant the Defense Motion for Mistrial with prejudice.

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