Truth vs. NEW$ PART 2 (14 November 2021) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Holly Seelinger

1 year ago

The former Clinton advisor, pollster Mark Penn, is warning that, if the Democrats continue to pursue "progressive" policies, they are going to pay an enormous price during the 2022 mid-term elections, where I am predicting they could lose as many as 100 seats in the House. The Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, WI, moves toward its conclusion, where virtually all parties agree that he was acting in self-defense and is not guilty of the offenses charged. Even the prosecution appears to agree and has been lobbying the Judge to allow them to add lesser offenses, which in effect concedes that they have not made their case on the offenses originally charged. The media has not choice but to hate Kyle, because he defended himself agains the monster they created and showed why carrying an AR-15 might not be such a bad idea, after all. This may be a turning point in the gun-control debate, where Kyle clearly deserves our admiration and respect rather than condemnation and punishment.

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