Need to Know News (2 November 2021) TEXAS TUESDAY with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

2 years ago

With Glenn Youngkin about to trounce Terry McAuliffe, there are signs that the Democrats are going to try to steal this election just as they have a string of them in the past, most recently, the California recall. Look for signs. On Meet the Press, the former Governor put his foot in it again by attacking parents who are sticking up for their kids and opposing Critical Race Theory and the suppression of rapes in girl's lavatories. He should go down "Big Time!" The tiny Tiki-torch false flag reminds us about the far larger and more successful charade also in Charlottesville, where they staged a car crash where 2 cars + 2 drivers + 2 takes = totally fake. And a key player on 6 January--which was yet another "false flag"--continues to be outed to the embarrassment of the FBI, which was complicit with the Democrats in staging this event to tarnish Trump and make MAGA fans look bad. A terrible add to promote the vax ought to be qualified as child abuse!

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