Need to Know News (28 October 2021) with Joe Olson

2 years ago

Apologies for late posting. The Social Infrastructure bill has been gutted and progressives may not let it pass. The Democrats cannot even muster support from their own party, much less others who are sane-minded. Bernie, nonetheless, insists it has to go "whole hog" with all the benefits on their "wet dream" list. The Judge in the Kyle RIttenhouse case rules against the prosecution, disallowing. them from referring to the thugs who assaulted Kyle--one kicking him in the face, another trying to break his neck with a skateboard, the third attempting to shoot him--as "victims", which would have created a sympathetic framework for prosecuting an American hero! Fauci comes under fire for sadistic treatment of Beagles, which ought to enrage every American--and appears to be losing his luster. A Harvard professor explains why kids K-12 should not be getting the shot--nor, for that matter, should any US citizen. And New Zealand paves the way for a two-tiered society based on vaccination status. A tad unnerving.

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