The Raw Deal (25 October 2021)

2 years ago

A very ambitious show covering a lot of territory, from the death of 3 judges in Ohio to the vaccine mandates being imposed on veterans before they receive medical treatments (NOTE: I received a report from a listener to the show that he had called the local VA and it's only a rumor--like Biden's bluster about companies with over 100 employees and his claims to expedite unloading cargo ships at ports on the West Coast.) Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News reports that the Supreme Court has (once again) upheld vaccine mandates (this time in Maine) and that veterans are not going to take this new medical tyranny lying down, Vladimir Putin has excoriated the progressives for their absurd moves denying the existence of two sexes, banning ordinary pronouns, and pulling down statues and the like as intended to rewrite history and destroy American culture! This should have come from the President of the United States but instead it came from the President of Russia! Stunning stuff.

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