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Pex Vs Quest
Phil is showing the difference between quest and pex pipes. We tend to use pex only when doing repairs.
Quest is still good. You wouldn't want to throw everything away and start over. We prefer pex, but quest can and will do the job.
00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 Quest vs Pex
00:37 Was a class action lawsuit against quest
01:00 In reality quest pipes are pretty good
01:20 Pex is just marginally bigger
01:30 We use brass fittings
02:30 Quest is still acceptable.
02:45 The only problem we have seen is mice chewing on them
03:21 Be an American, not an American't
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I'll show you the different. What this is, is a quest pipe. It's gray in color. There's another version. It's black. There was actually a class action lawsuit to replace all this because of some concerned flaw, but they're actually done with a lot of them are done with copper fittings and sometimes they have a great big gray quest fitting, which is a twist together.
And I'll, I'll have to show you guys how that works. If you ever had to take one a part and put it back together. But in reality, they were pretty good and they are pretty good. And I'm a, I know, plumbers are going to go nuts about it, but I'm telling you, these things will take a freeze and come back.
Take a freeze and come back. Take a freeze and come back. Now, this is Quest and this is new pex. I believe this will be pex A. You notice it's just marginally bigger. Okay. This also will take a freeze and come back the pipe itself, now I use brass fittings. This is actually from mobile manufacturer. This is a brass fitting from the mobile home manufacturer.
A lot of plumbers, including master plumbers, they use plastic elbows and plastic. And these all that works well. I honestly don't believe in them. I think they're cool and everything and you save money quite a lot of money. But I don't I don't do that. So when I when I use if I replace if and by the way, if you go to put pex on to quest, Quest will need two crimp rings.
And I don't again, I don't use copper, I use stainless steel, and I can get to crimp rings on that barbed fitting that I might put this connecting pexs into it or not coupling up to it. So if you get ready to do that, quest is still very acceptable. You wouldn't want to throw away everything. And again, I'm telling you, it's just a marginal difference in thickness.
And I'm telling you, I've seen them where they're froze up. And what busted is the faucet or the toilet or, you know, something connected to this. This is the only issues I've ever seen with either one of these is that mice will go to chewing on these just for maybe this is cold or it's hot and they chew on it and then you end up with a leak in the middle of your living room floor in like on a world I get a leak, there is no connection.
Straight pipe from bathroom to the kitchen. Well, they can chew on this just to get a flavor or something and it will spray water. So I've had to fix a bunch of them, but QUEST Pipe.
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