Need to Know News (28 Sept. 2021) TEXAS TUESDAY with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

1 year ago

The GOP is balking at the DEMs efforts to up the debt limit, where they cannot muster 60 votes to overcome the filibuster. Pelosi is claiming that they are going to be able to pass the $3.5 trillion-dollar "Green New Deal" program, which punishes gas and oil while funding massive projects that will turn the US into a third-world nation. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Haitians are invading the United States and being flown to swing states to help the Democrats steal more elections. Trump, who was the legitimate victor in 2020, observes, "Our nation is being turned into a migrant camp!" and that is "an invasion." The Soros / Rothschild / Democrat alliance simply had to get the Orange Man out of the way to set about the destruction of America, which is proceeding at a breathtaking pace.

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