Truth vs. NEW$ Hour 2 (27 September 2021) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

The mass attendance at college football games with no spike in Covid refutes Tony the Rat's claim that they would be "superspreader events", more of his unadulterated bullshit. The Biden administration has come out strongly against an amendment to the National Defense Appropriations Act that would preclude booting servicemen who refuse the vax with dishonorable discharges. Mark Green (R-TN) was outraged, where his amendment had received the support of every Democrat on the committee. A dishonorable means you can not vote or own firearms again, which may be what Biden wants. Norway is returning to normality and abandoning its Covid restrictions and now regards it as on a par with the flu. All hell is breaking loose in Australia, where the police are brutalizing the public, which has been protesting the masks and lockdown in mass movements, where Australia and Canada should be viewed as pilot projects for what they have in mind for the USA.

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