The Raw Deal (27 September 2021) in Hour 2: The Jim Fetzer Sandy Hook Case

1 year ago

A review of 18 disasters from Biden in his first few months in office serves as a staggering reminder of what happens when the people are deprived of their democratic choice to occupy the highest office in the land. The Democrats went all-in with the Rothschilds to steal the election using COVID as their cover to justify mail-in balloting on a massive scale, where even 3rd World countries disallow it because the potential for election theft is so great. Biden's $3.5t Green New Deal bill does not look like its going to make it across the finish line, where some Democrats are dissolving in tears because the Parliamentarian ruled that amnesty for 8-11 million illegal aliens could not be included therein. Meanwhile, Biden claims that the unvaxxed pose a threat to the vaxxed, whom he wants to be vaccinated, too. Which means that the protected need protection from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected. Jim adds a personal note at the end making a request for funding to assist in his legal actions in defense of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, where not only accepts credit and debit cards but issues a receipt and is tax-deductible.

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