Need to Know News (24 September 2021) with Chris Weinert and Maryam Henien

1 year ago

The CEO of Moderna (who has not taken the shot) declares that even the young are going to have to take "booster shots" indefinitely (by which he means forever), thereby fattening the coffers of the pharmaceutical giant as it decimates Earth's population. Biden's $3.5t "infrastructure plan" includes tax breaks for the wealthy in blue states. (Who could have thought that would happen?) MTG has gone after it to let the public know what's really going on. An FDA official caught by Project Veritas says the unvaxxed should be treated like the Jews in Germany and that Texas should be used as a massive interment facility, where the government should used tricks and coercion to vax those who are resisting, especially minorities and other persons of color. And it turns out that the jabs are having stunning effects on women in relation to their menstrual cycles, where the manufacturers are not even willing to list them as possible side effects and continue to deny the public informed consent as to what they are doing to themselves if they take the vax.

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