The Event - 15 September 21 - Guest: Dennis Cimino

2 years ago

Special last-minute replacement guest, Dennis Cimino. Dennis Cimino was the Navy's top electronics troubleshooter until he resigned and went to work for Raytheon. He has done completely brilliant work on JFK, 9/11, and a host of other issues, where we are delighted to feature him on "The Event" today. Dennis, Jim & Giuseppe discuss a host of current issues, beginning with the Newsome scam recall election in Commiefornia; the Biden traitorous speech mandating death jabs for all Federal Workers & contractors, Justice for Jan 6 and other ops conducted by the deep state. Hour 2 Rev Radio host Mr Rho joins for the latest on the McAfee deadman drop on telegram. Multiple callers the joined the show.

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