TAMING THE TROPICS! Tropical Crystal Wyvern Taming! - ARK: Survival Evolved - Chronicles E33

4 years ago

TAMING THE TROPICS! Tropical Crystal Wyvern Taming! - ARK: Survival Evolved - Chronicles E33

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This time we travel to the White Shoals area to tame Tropical Crystal Wyverns! The nice thing about these is that they are a passive tame, allowing you to tame one as soon as you're level 65! We also find a max level Hyaenodon that we bring back to our trap and tame!

Nylusion Server settings:
Difficulty: 5
Items: 2x
Exp: 2x
Taming Speed Multiplier: 5x
Mating Interval Multiplier: 0.2x
Egg Hatch Speed Multiplier: 30x
Baby Mature Speed Multiplier 50x

Additional Creatures 2: Wild ARK
Additional Creatures: Aquaria
ARK: Reaper Expansion
Kraken's Better Dinos

Follow along with TriZon & Xycor as they explore and journey through Crystal Isles!

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#ARKSurvivalEvolved #CrystalIsles #TropicalCrystalWyvern

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