Goldfish Report 9/11 Special (5 September 2021)

2 years ago

A thorough and detailed examination of what really happened on 9/11, and of who was responsible and why. Pay special attention to the proof that none of the alleged "9/11 aircraft" actually crashed on 9/11. The evidence is simply overwhelming, which reinforces the key point made by Thierry Meyssan already in 2002 via "Hunt the Boeing!" and Pentagate (2002): If no plane hit the Pentagon, which is America's military command and control center, then the entire operation was a fraud. (See The proof that the Twin Towers did not collapse but were taken down using mini nukes has similarly become overwhelming, where the nuke hypothesis can explain everything the nano-thermite and DEW alternatives can explain and what they cannot, including the USGS dust sample studies, which confirm the presence of elements that would not have been there had this not been a nuclear event. The resignation of Richard Gage from A&E911 should be celebrated, because he was running a limited hang-out promoting nanothermite and that a plane hit the Pentagon, while refusing to address who was responsible and why. Stunning new development that may open the way for better understanding 9/11.

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