Need to Know News (3 September 2021) with Chris Weinert and Maryam Henein

1 year ago

Joe Manchin upset the Democrat apple cart by refusing to endorse their $3.5t new massive spending bill. The Supreme Court (5-4) allows an extremely bad anti-abortion law to stand in Texas, which will no doubt cause grief for the women who reside there. Remington has subpoenaed records for students at Sandy Hook and some of the teachers, too, which may mean they realize that this $33,000,000 settlement is in fact the insurance scam that I and one of my attorneys have claimed. And the trial of Nikolas Cruz for the alleged Parkland shooting raises many issues about how it, too, was staged as part of the Obama legacy of nullifying the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 to allow the same techniques of propaganda and disinformation to be used within the US that prior to its passage were only permitted abroad.

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