Satan's Final Frontier: The Sex Industry

2 years ago

Jul 16, 2015

The multibillion-dollar porn industry permeates modern society.

Shelley Lubben is a former prostitute and actor who appeared in 30 hardcore pornography films during her career. But Shelley’s experience with the sex industry was anything but glamorous. Her testimony paints a picture of intimidation, cruelty and life-altering physical risks.

Despite battling depression and alcoholism, Shelley never truly gave up. Then her life completely changed when she met her husband, Garrett. With his support and the support of a new church community, Shelley put the sex industry behind her to focus on family and God.

Today, Shelley and Garrett run the Pink Cross Foundation, a non-profit reaching out to porn industry workers. They believe our culture is in the midst of porn addiction, but they see a ray of hope for our nation and future generations.

Also a non--profit, PureHOPE is battling the porn industry's hold on modern culture. Vice President Noel Bouché outlines PureHOPE’s mission to expose the truth and provide solutions for our sexualized culture. (Season 6, Episode 2)

Facing Life Head On

Reading List
*Bookleggers Smuthounds Trade Erotica
*Degenerate Moderns E Michael Jones
*The End of Gender by Debra Soh
*Gender Lies Suicide Walt Heyer
*Hustled My Journey from Fear to Faith
*Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: Indoctrination
*Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences
*Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation
*Merchants of Sin Benjamin Garland
*Myth Male Power Dr Warren Farrell
*New Atlantis Report Sexuality Gender
*The New Politics Sex S Baskerville
*Occult Roots Postgenderism Ken Ammi
*Sexual Healing: Reference Edition
*Sexual Sabotage by Judith Reisman
*Soft Porn Plays Hardball Reisman
*Third Sex? Revisited Homosexual
*Why Gender Matters, Second Edition
*You’re Teaching My Child What?

Gender/Sexuality Odysee Playlist

Gender/Sexuality YouTube Playlist

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