The Raw Deal (23 August 2021)

2 years ago

Having been hit hard with COVID, it was an effort to put this show together. Obama spent years warning us of Joe Biden's ability to f--- things up, where the fiasco in Afghanistan proves the point. We are at the bizarre juncture where all of our institutions of government--law enforcement, the judiciary, the Congress, the military and more (with a surge of migrants being welcomed across the border and no effort being made to protect the public from death via vax), we are in the grip of genocidal globalists and, frankly, I can see no light at the end of the tunnel. A Michigan professor says math and science are racist, which is completely absurd, while the Governor of Oregon has done away with competence in reading, writing and arithmetic as high school graduation requirements, as though that would help minorities in the course of their lives. Absurd!

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