Body Cam: 1 Commander dead, suspect dead, 2 officers injured in Shooting - Phoenix PD March 29, 2020

4 years ago

#officerinvolvedshooting #commanderGregCarnicle #PhoenixPoliceDepartment

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The Phoenix Police Department has released a Critical incident Briefing video for the March 29, 2020 officer involved shooting that took the life of Commander Greg Carnicle.

The video includes information, audio, and visuals of the incident that happened at a home near 40th Drive and Pinnacle Peak Road.

The initial 911 call was made shortly after 1pm when a woman told dispatchers “we currently have a roommate that we need to evict because he's acting really weird and have made us extremely uncomfortable, and we wanted to do it today but he disclosed to us that he has a gun, and I don't know if this is going to be a safe."

The woman called 911 a second time a couple hours later, reporting the roommate refused to open the door to his room and she was afraid. “We don't know if he's on something or what but he's not getting out of the house," she told dispatchers.

Approximately 5 minutes later, officers from the Cactus Park Precinct arrived, making contact with 22-year-old Jacob McIlveen.

Officers went into the home and up the stairs, identifying themselves as Phoenix Police officer and knocking on Jacob's bedroom door. 20 minutes later, he opened the door to talk with officers.

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