Need to Know News (11 August 2021) with Giuseppe Vafanculo

2 years ago

BLOCK BUSTER: Mike Adams reverses course and acknowledges that the "virus" (which he had previously believed to be real) is nothing but a scam, an artifact of the abusive use of the PCR test for a purpose for which it was not designed, where he has issued apologies for being so slow on the uptake to Dr. Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappoport, David Icke and others. But while the virus is a hoax, the "vaccine" is a deadly bioweapon using spike proteins to kill, as part of a massive depopulation program to eliminate up to 95% of the world's population. An interview with one Dr. Mylo Canderian, Ph.D., who claims to have designed it, explains how you can tell how much time you have left once the graphene oxide had invaded your body, with a 10-year upper bound. If your blood shows 20% graphene oxide, then you have 10-20% = 8 years to life; if it shows 30%, then 10-30% = 7 years to live. I would it were not so, but this appears to be the fate of those who have taken the vax.

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