Making of BLAZE, Shea Butter Cold Process Soap

2 years ago

Hi Everyone! Thanks for stopping by to watch my latest video! :)

So, this soap started out as a Soap Challenge Club Soap for the Oasis Swirl in May. However, the fragrance oil accelerated and got super thick super quick! I thought it would end up being a complete FAIL but it turned out rather nice. :) I'm very pleased with it. OH! And the fragrance oil smells FANTASTIC! OMG! I LOVE IT!! Lol. :D

Fragrance oil is Blazing Bonfire by Midwest Fragrance Co. Here's the link (I'm not affiliated):

And even though it did accelerate I will definitely buy it again! It smells just like roasting marshmallows over a campfire. Every time I took a shower while testing this I would get a big smile on my face. It smells SO good!

Anyway! Lol. :D Moving on!
I changed my recipe up a bit this time... I exchanged the avocado oil for almond oil since I've noticed that whenever I've used almond oil by batter stays fluid longer and I needed a more fluid batter for the Oasis Swirl technique.

I get my oils from Arizona Soap Supply:

My lye and powders come from Organic Creations Inc:

And, all the mica I used comes from Nurture Soap:
Affiliate link:

Colors used in Blaze are: Mango Tango, Orange Vibrance, Black Onyx, Nocturnal, Trial by Fire, and Love & Sunshine.

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