Need to Know News (3 August 2021) with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

1 year ago

Brandon Smith explains that the push for 100% vaccination appears to be due to the fear that, if there are substantial portions of the US population who are unvaxxed, then they will serve as a control group to contrast with the vaxxed, where it will become OBVIOUS that the vaxxed are suffering harms that the unvaxxed are not. So they are in a race against time to get everyone vaxxed before the vaxxed start dropping dead and the scam is exposed so clearly that no one is going to miss the message. The bloom is off the Noem after she moves in support of companies vaxxing their employees, telling them they can get another job, as though that were effortless or these mandates were not widespread across domains of employment. Sad, because I had high hopes for her, which have now been dashed.

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