Need to Know News (27 July 2021) with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

1 year ago

Key officials in GA who were elected as Republicans turn out to be closet Democrats, who were sabotaging the reelection of Donald Trump on behalf of the DNC agenda. They now want to rename over 1,000 locations under federal control to promote "political correctness", while a group in Dallas asks White Residents to not send their children to Ivy League schools to "make room" for those who have been oppressed in the past (almost none of whom could pass a single course at an Ivy institution). A book first published in 1993 lays out the agenda of the Global Elite to terminate 4 billion "useless eaters" from Planet Earth (where than number has now increased to over 7 billion) to bring about New World where there is no middle class and those who remain exist only to serve as workers and sex slaves for the rich and powerful. Look around you, because it's taking place here and now.

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