Need to Know News (22 July 2021) with Carl Herman

2 years ago

Fires in Oregon appear to be one aspect of the massive attack upon America, which has the aim of destroying our country LITERALLY. The Scamdemic, the masks and the vax are other elements combining with weather warfare and satellite-mounted directed energy weapons that (I have been forced to conclude) are being used against us. With their 'Defund the police!" mantra, they have been moving in a direction opposite to the preferences of the American people, who want more law and order--and more police on the streets!--not less. The Anti-New York Times does a nice job of explaining what Trump was up against in coping with the coming move to make vaccinations mandatory and what he did to defuse it, which I applaud. Fauci may be vulnerable for having lied to Congress about "gain of function" research, where Sen. Rand Paul has called him out and exposed him as a liar (not to mention "mass murderer"), as history will record.

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