What happened to JFK? Did Oliver Stone get it right? (16 July 2021; Part 2 of 3)

2 years ago

Josiah Thompson has described the Zapruder film as "the closest thing we have to absolute truth" in the assassination, which was a ruse to promote acceptance of an extensively edited & revised version, which he knows is not the original. The edit turning from Houston onto Elm ran about 100 frames and excising the limo stop ran about 400 more, which means there are more frames missing than in the extant version (487). Larry Rivera has done brilliant work (based on interviews by Fred Newcomb with the four motorcycle escort officers and their supervisor, Stavis Ellis), where, although I had originally supposed the limo stop was only 6-8 seconds in duration, from their reports of what happened during the stop, it cannot have been less than 20 seconds. So those who continue to this day to insist the film is authentic, including Robert Groden, have a lot to answer for to those who want the truth and have placed faith in their research, which has, alas, misled them.

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