Need to Know News (21 July 2021) with Giuseppe Vafanculo

2 years ago

Chief of Staff General Mike Milley and Israel First GOP Senators pressured Trump to assassinate Iranian General Qasem Soliemani by threatening him with impeachment if he did not, which may be the single most despicable act of his Presidency (now explained). North Carolina's Door-to-Door vaccination campaign may violate Supreme Court decisions on "zones of privacy": We don't go door to door asking if someone is on anti-depressants or suffers from erectile dysfunction"! Pennsylvania officials, including the Governor, the Attorney General and the Secretary of State appear to have been complicit in the theft of the election, where it turns out 423,166 ballots for Trump simply disappeared as part of the greatest election theft in US history. And Jim's 3-part series on the assassination of JFK concludes this evening with an analysis of the sponsors, the facilitators and the mechanics on the ground in Dealey Plaza on 22 November 1963 on Great Awakenings with Scott Bennett,

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