Trad Cat Knight with Eric Gajewski (21 July 2021)

2 years ago

Rapid-paced coverage of key stories, including that Gen. Milley and a group of Israel-First GOP Senators pressured Trump to approve the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani; that 423,166 votes were deleted in Pennsylvania (where statements by the Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General leave no doubt about their determination that he not be reelected); a new poll shows that 58% of the American people agree with Trump that the MSM is "the enemy of the people"; an MIT study shows that Americans who are skeptical about the vax are, contrary to the mainstream narrative, "highly informed", "scientifically literate" and "sophisticated in their evaluation of data"; where a whistleblower reports that AT LEAST 45,000 Americans have died within 3 days of getting the jab, all the more reason to avoid it, where the Biden admin is pushing to get more of us vaccinated, whether we want to or not. What happened to, "My body, my choice"? Stunning hypocrisy.

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