Need to Know News (16 July 2021) with Gertjan Zwiggelar and Maryam Henien

1 year ago

Reports on the AZ Audit are stunning with more forthcoming, including 74,000 mail-in ballots that were never sent out (where the Biden margin of victory was only 10,457). Biden did not win AZ. In the District of Columbia, the City Council passed a measure allowing children age 11 and up to be vaccinated without their parents' knowledge or permission, which fosters a host of problem in cases of adverse reactions, where parents are at a complete loss to know what is causing their allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, seizures, and paralysis, where parents have no right to explain why their children should not be vaccinated. This form of tyranny should not be allowed or permitted, where the Biden admin has gone far beyond the confines of the Constitution or the law. And it turns out the FBI was as involved in running the fake kidnapping plot against Governor Whitmer in MI as it was the Capitol intrusion of 6 January, both of which were political operations to benefit the Democrats. Truly disgusting!

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