Need to Know (12 July 2021) with Carl Herman and Joe Olson

2 years ago

Biden has launched an all-out war on Americans with new vaccine "Strike Teams" to pound on doors and try to convince the public to do themselves in by accepting the mRNA vaccines, which are not even medicine but have been described by Sherri Tenpenny as "perfectly designed killing machines". The new Trump v Twitter lawsuit holds great promise to correct the abuse of the First Amendment by the Social Media Giants operating as their agents, which this suit ingeniously exposes. The problem solution, alas, depends upon the integrity of the courts and judges, which have not satisfied a very high standard of late. Meanwhile, Wolfgang Halbig has settled his lawsuit with Sandy Hook parents, which many find to be highly disappointing. While I have not spoken to him about this, I am a huge fan and traveled to Newtown with him in 2014 to check out Sandy Hook and visit the site of the school, which had already been reduced to dirt. Nothing remained save for a small portion in the middle for some ceremonial purpose when the new school would be erected (at the staggering cost of $50,000,000).

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