Need to Know News (21 June 2021) with Carl Herman and Joe Olson

2 years ago

Glenn Greenwald follows up on Tucker's expose of the role of the FBI in orchestrating the 6 January 2021 intrusion into the Capitol, which bears certain similarities to the Twin Peaks shooting in Waco, TX, in 2015, where hundreds of shots were fired but apparently by FBI snipers and, in spite of a massive investigation, not a single conviction emerged. The Dunblane, Scotland, school shooting of 13 March 1996 appears to have served as the template for the Sandy Hook shooting on 14 December 2012, except the kids were killed at Dunblane and not at Sandy Hook. The Mayor of Boston went on a radio show, "Greater Boston", hosted by Andy Rooney's daughter, and boasted of his relationship with Vice President Joe Biden, who, he confided, had predicted that gun control in the US would be a "done deal" by January 2013. She was stunned and asked what could happen to cause legislation to pass so rapidly. He would not answer, but we now know why.

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