Idaho Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin Regarding President Lincoln’s Call to National Repentance

3 years ago

Idaho Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin joins White House journalist Dr. Anthony Harper June 24, 2020 on the issue of President Abraham Lincoln’s call to repentance as a solution to America’s problems in light of the National Day of Prayer verse 2Chronicles 7:14.
To read the National Day of Prayer verse 2Chronicles 7:14, click on the following link:
To read President Lincoln’s call to repentance [a turning away from our many national sins and honoring The LORD (JESUS)] found in his ‘Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day,’ click on the following link:
To watch Dr. Harper’s entire interview with Idaho Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin June 24, 2020, click on following YouTube link:

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