Need to Know (12 May 2021) with Giuseppe Vafanculo and David Scorpio

2 years ago

More proof of the theft of the 2020 election emerging from Maricopa County, AZ, where Dominion was in charge of the entire operation and county officials did not even have passwords and IDs to gain access to the machines. Liz Cheney has been booted from #3 position in the House GOP leadership, where she contradicts the mass of evidence that the election was stolen and attacks Trump as "a liar", when he garnered more votes for President than any other candidate in US history. The Bill/Melinda Gates divorce looks increasingly like a move to save assets with a looming crash of the stock market without arousing suspicion. An apparent antidote to the COVID-19 has now emerged, which may have emboldened the elite to unleash it knowing they were protected. And growing exchanges between Israelis and Palestinians threatens a larger war in the Middle East.

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