Free Range Gail of Gaia (9 April 2021)

2 years ago

Wide-ranging discussion of false flags, including at Sandy Hook, Orlando and Dallas, Parkland and Las Vegas. Biden wants to change the law with respect to liability for gun manufacturers, but it's based upon fake shootings, including the Boulder, CO, grocery-store event, which was blown apart by a citizen-journalist, who filmed the events (including bodies with no blood; the sound of shots from a handgun, not an AR-15; the SWAT team was more concerned to move him out of the area than they were with the active shooter, no doubt because there was none). The trial of Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd appears to be headed for an acquittal, because evidence that he died from a drug overdose is at least as reasonable as that he died from a knee on his neck), which in turn implies that they cannot find him guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

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