Truth vs. NEW$ (29 March 2021), 1st hour, with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

Stephen Lendman critiques the Biden press conference, where polling following the event (of over 93,000 participants) had a dislike/like ratio of about 3.5/1, with 77.6% disliking it. Hunter Biden's back in Washington with his father, in spite of Tony Bobolinsky's stunning revelations about the Biden Crime Family (involving Hunter, Joe and his uncle, Jim). Video by a journalist on the scene blows the Boulder "false flag" shooting out of the water. The (actor) cops on the scene are more concerned (and devote more man-power) to securing him from the scene than they do responding to the (staged) shooting. This is stunning and may open the eyes of those who thought the "conspiracy theorists" were only blowing smoke.

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