Morning Musings # 143 Living from Theology (Mind) vs. Consciousness (Soul). Stick-up fruit vs. real!

1 year ago

#iam #iamgod #soul #jesus #bible #awareness #love #theology #consciousness #mind #intellect #knowingyou #gnósis #gnosis
I have been thinking some more about this new message of us saying "I AM" and "I am God". That must sound really arrogant and high-minded to some ears and eyes, when they read that. And of course, I see it also expressed and I see how I am expressing it. We have to make sure that this conviction isn't just something that we pick up in our mind, in our intellect.

To accept and perceive the notion of "I am God" just with our intellect, will make us sort of high-minded people and will be in a way a lot like many Christians are that practice "following the Bible" intellectually and they are not always the kindest people to meet and encounter.

It is the same with this "I AM" conviction. "I am that I am", the name of God, the identity of God. I AM identifies divinity, it identifies God. But it must be realised in the depth of the Soul. When it's merely intellectual, an intellectual consent, the fruit of unconditional love just is not there. It's like stick-on fruit. And energetically you can tell that it's not authentic, it's not embodied in soul it's just embodied in the mental, in the intellect. And it's not flattering at all when it is expressed from the intellect.

"I AM-ness" experienced as a knowing in the Soul... is like a bubbling brook of fresh water in the desert. It will effect us on every level of our being, physically, emotionally, psychologically and intellectually. It will be like a well watered garden of love, and it's accompanied by compassion and mercy and the energy is just inviting and welcoming.

Not to toot my own horn, but just to use myself as an example... I have noticed this more recently, when I enter a room or a place and the people usually are have frowns on their faces and they are not really, they are withdrawn into themselves. And they are not usually in a happy countenance. As soon as I enter a room or place and I make eye contact with those people, with my divine contented loving accepting countenance, instantly I am changing the energy in the room. And everybody's faces light up, the energy is raised to a lighter, more happy, jovial energy in an instant. And that is the fruit, the energy that is generated from a Soul convinced, a soul that is in knowing or gnosis.

And it doesn't require any words, just the spark in your eye reflecting the life that is in the soul. How we feel about ourselves, and how we think of ourselves creates the spark in the window to our soul. The liveliness of our soul, that spark comes through our eyes ... that's why it says the eye is the window to the soul. And people instantly feel the energy of that spark and it ignites them like a match ignites a wick. And that has been my experience, and that made me think... that it's not enough to just consent to the truth of I AM, and that we are divine... with our mental, with our intellect. It's not going to bear the same fruit. It's gotta come from the knowing of our soul, and our soul will generate the energy that will light up the world around us. That's the Light of the World, that's the spark in our eyes. People know this energy, they feel this energy before we even open our mouth, before we even say anything. They receive the accepting energy that opens them up, that lights them up. And it's a beautiful thing, it really is a beautiful thing.

So, let's make sure that we are not just believing another theology of I AM-ness, but that our Soul is convinced at the deepest level. That I AM GOD, I AM THAT, I am that spark, that light of God... my soul is that. That comes through in my eyes, that comes through in my smile, in my countenance. And people generally are very happy around me, that are in my company... it doesn't take long for them to relax, open up... they feel safe around me and that causes them to open up, to lighten up and to feel that peace, that everlasting peace.

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