Stop CERN! July 4th x1000 Power

2 years ago

#CERN is being activated tomorrow and the next day (July 4th & 5th).

This may not be for you, so just letting you know, but I’m going to speak anyway. I speak from personal experience that I have felt the negative effects as a result of certain messing with the fabric of our universe. The antimatter or the dark energy and whatever they’re doing it is affecting the universe and lots of people including myself can feel it. It’s not a coincidence they’re activating it to 1000 times power on Fourth of July after the defeat of Roe v. Wade. They’re trying to suppress our joy and celebration and get vengeance on humanity.

Discern hadron collider and the experiments associated with it are always seem to be connected to demonic occult rituals and the attraction of evil forces. The demonic seem to be attracted to whatever is going on in the glider, they seem to like it and for whatever reason it’s become a center of a cult activity and satanic rituals and it’s a focal point for the globalists who worship Satan. That should tell you something look at the rituals they do they don’t even try to hide it they’re openly religious as Satanists for the global one world order, that’s what they’re doing at certain hadron collider it’s not even scientific anymore, they are openly trying to rip a hole in our dimension to mess with the fabric of reality to create black holes and antimatter, Open holes in gateways to other lower darker demonic dimensions like hell, mess with alternate timeline realities if possible if they even exist, and generally like a mad scientist screw with the existence of the universe and attack God by trying to push him away

It’s not a coincidence that the satanic forces of globalist wickedness or activating the #CERN hadron collider today on Fourth of July, they want to dampen and suppress our victorious celebration of Jesus Christ God and America!

#CERNisDANGEROUS because it is breaking the fabric of reality in our dimension with extremely high power levels. Making black holess on earth, affecting the local fabric of the universe in a BAD WAY.

#CERNisOCCULT and is openly Becoming a center of demonic activity, for whatever reason, as a result of what they’re doing, as a result of what they’re trying to do.

#CERNhurtsHumanity as it is creating antimatter, black holes, the effects of the machine and the byproducts of the machine negatively affect the psyche mindset and thought processes of people, and proximity to the antimatter drives people psychotic.

#Dangerous nation states are #STOCKPILING #ANTIMATTER

#ANTIMATTERISBAD it makes humans go crazy and instigates or activates their carnal darkside “sinful man.” The dark matter is connected to the dark and evil part of you and so when you are in proximity to antimatter and whatever it is that certain does, it unlocks the sinful wretched wicked fearful evil part of you. Like the splinter universe.

The forces of evil, led by the World economic forum in Switzerland, are activating the hadron collider #CERN, they are doing this tomorrow the Fourth of July and the day after the fifth of July. Cern has become a center of occult activity and seems to empower or attract the demons. While it does create particles, subatomic particles, antimatter, and black holes on the #Earth, it also seems to be messing with or tearing apart the fabric of our universe and leaving an empty hole there. They openly say that they want to rip open in this hole to see what’s inside or to travel through, and a lot of people have said that they have felt the effects negatively in their lives as it affects our #universe. Myself included. I just wanna bring attention to this fact.. its tomorrow.


It is not coincidental that the satanic forces of globalist wickedness are activating CERN hadron collider TODAY on Fourth of July. It calls to the demons empowers the demons it opens portals to hell for the demons it creates dark matter it activates the dark energy in the universe that calls to your inner sin nature into the worst most dark hellish parts of you of darkness, it makes people go crazy it depresses them it makes them fearful it sucks out and harms the happiness of your soul is that you just have to cope and clean to God if you can, it is a tower of babel, it’s a machine of darkness, it’s a weapon of evil that’s damaging the universe and the fabric of our dimension reality, digging a hole to hell. That’s what CERN does. It’s not good.

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