🦅 Jun 30 2022 - Juan O Savin w/ AMP > The Seven Deadly Sins Of Jan 6th Will Be Revealed

2 years ago

* Bloody Hill > What Actually Happened On J6 *

- The DNI Knew China Was Involved In 2020 Election Interference
- The Report That Was Provided Was Incomplete And Late, Per Trump's Executive Order > This Is Key > Congress Certified The Vote Without It
- 3 U.S. Companies Were Contracted To Print 'Emergecny Ballots' And Ship Them To U.S. Post Offices > Who Authorized This?
- In AZ 250,000 Paper Ballots That Were Included Into The Counts Were Found To Be Invalid Paper By Unauthorized Printers
- What About The New Q Posts > Wait For A Proximity To 45 Proof > Mischief Is In Play > Not Trusting For Now
- Keep Your Eye On The Q McAfee Posts
- Real Anons No Longer Need Q Posts To Hand Feed Them
- When The Q Operation Resumes It Will Be For Anons To Get Involved In Taking Their Country Back At The County Level
- Bloody Hill Will Expose [Their] Sin Of Omission
- The Constitution Is A 'Decentralizing' Document
- State's Rights Have Been Centralized By Federal Tax Dollars
- The Federal Reserve And IRS Are Both Puerto Rican Corporations > No More Federal Than Federal Express
- The 'Cuban Missile Crisis' Is Coming > Putin Has Moved Nuclear Weapons Into Belarus > We're Going To Have A Standoff


Juan O Savin 



America Media Periscope

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