Q/A About Cory Endrulat (w/ Krystal Endrulat) - Post Questions Below!

3 years ago

Livestreaming & addressing even more... one day, perhaps :)
My Sister's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClDuKnt5asUxuCeDH9ipQbQ
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More Info On How To Change The World:
**NOTE: I did not go into enough detail about my schooling. I also produce music under the name "ZENSUS" From Audiotool. Gaming channel is "KOOKOONUT TV". "Religious" beliefs simply put are ALL & NO Religion; the irony, center-worldview simple deism. "Political" beliefs align with voluntarism & alignment to nature (obviously). I am of no title or affiliation, I'm simply a fellow human being, a fellow messenger. Favorite music is downtempo, trip-hop, IDM & associated genres.
#coryendrulat #question #krystalendrulat

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