How Many People Die From Eating Puffer Fish ~ DON'T Eat Puffer Fish Until Watching

3 years ago

How Many People Die From Eating Puffer Fish? The pufferfish, also known as fugu, is a kind of fish that can inflate like a ball to intimidate its predators. Aside from its evading look, it also takes the second place in terms of being the most poisonous vertebrate on Earth. But despite being infamous because of its death-causing poison, its flesh is still opted by people in various parts of the world.

How many people die from eating pufferfish? In Japan, half of the total number of deaths caused by food poisoning is a result of eating fugu or Puffer Fish. Deaths also happen in many countries around the world because of the same reason.

If you are among those who are wondering why such individuals are risking their lives for just one meal, here’s a short read for you. Let’s get into it.

Why People Eat Puffer Fish?
During winter, people, especially in Japan, loves to capture fugu or pufferfish. This fish has an unusual appearance, a smooth skin that is said to look so delicious for some people. And when it comes to taste, pufferfish has an elegantly, sweet taste. It is also chewy that makes it enjoyable when cutting in small chunks.

For some people, they serve it fresh. They also say that the fish doesn’t taste like fish at all. It has a similar taste to chicken or frog leg. So, imagine how tasty that was that people risk their lives to have one delicious pufferfish meal.

The Deadly Consequence Of Eating Puffer Fish
Pufferfish is a good food source that contains a poison that is 1,000 times stronger than cyanide. It is believed that they accumulate neurotoxin by synthesizing the deadly toxins they acquired from the bacteria of the living creatures they consume.

The smooth, delicious-looking skin of this fish is poisonous, including its liver, and all its reproductive organs. A single pufferfish contains enough tetrodotoxin that can kill about thirty people. This toxic substance attacks the nervous system. To put it, it interferes with the communication of nerves and muscles.

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