Taxation is Theft: The Progressive Voice Debunked

3 years ago

Taxation is theft, it is something I have long argued and having been recommended to respond on @The Progressive Voice video 'Taxation Is Not Theft,' I decided to make this video debunking his argument giving my reasoning for why taxation is theft.

I must concede that given the fact I support minimal small government under minarchism, then yes, I would be forced to have some form of tax, which I would prefer a 10% flat tax rate. I firmly believe that the vast majority of the economy is best left be to the free market and not in the hands of the government. I concede, however, that regardless of @The Progressive Voice claiming taxation is not theft, no matter how often he may tell himself to convince himself that is the case, you cannot take something from someone without their consent and label it as anything other than theft.

I have explained my reasoning for the use of public services today and the voting system for why it doesn't change the fact it is theft and have covered briefly on negative and positive rights to back my argument.

My own personal gripe, especially on this argument, is how regressive the progressive income tax really is and there is enough evidence to show why it is a drain on the economy. I could have gone into so much information on the failure of a mixed economy and the public sector, but I felt that was a different topic issue. It must be said, however, that his argument in defence of the public services he mentioned, the free market would give it a showing up on efficiency, it's not like history isn't there to already show for why this is.

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