2 years ago

Acts 10:34-35 King James Version
34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

Allow me to ask all of you these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they not only challenge you, but that they comfort and encourage you to know that you serve an impartial, compassionate, an unbiased God who never plays favorites.

When have you been misunderstood or misjudged?

How does it encourage you to know that God sees and knows you fully, even when others don’t?

Something about this morning's passage of scripture, really encouraged my heart, as well as gave me a great deal of comfort, because I have had many moments in my life, where people have either unintentionally, or purposefully misjudged me, because of either an innocent mistake I've made, or because of a perceived notion that they have of me. I'll be honest and say in a lot of these instances it hurt, and in a few of these instances I've had to confront the person biblically, and let the person know that what they were doing was a sin. I've also been able to rectify the situation through talking things through with the person, which has also been an extremely big blessing. However, even in the midst of these situations, I'm comforted and encouraged by the fact that one day, God will be the one in charge, and he will have the first last and every say in what takes place not just in our nation, but all over planet earth.

What I'd like to do tonight, is share some thoughts that God has put on my heart through this vlog with all of you tonight, in hopes that you see that God truly tries the reigns of every heart, he makes no mistakes, doesn't play favorites, but isn't afraid and always calls things right down the middle. Come join me in this vlog, and share the encouragement of knowing that God knows your heart, and truly understands you! 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I pray that you will learn to realize, and take great comfort in the fact that if you know Christ as savior, you serve and live for the one who not only knows your heart, but will never ever misunderstand, misjudge, or jump to the wrong conclusions about you. That God knows everything about you, all your idiosyncrasies, personality quirks, flaws, and all, and yet still loves you! Best of all, He never plays favorites, and He proved this through willingly sacrificing Himself on a rugged nasty cross for you and me. He doesn't care about your skin color, lifestyle, faith, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, or anything about you, but wants to set you free from your sin. I pray that you will allow Him to do that today, so that you can be a new creation in Him, and truly know the righteous, loving, and unbiased king of kings and Lord of Lords!



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