Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 91 - 21 December 2020

2 years ago

Need to Know Episode 91 (21 December 2020) with David Scorpio and Carl Herman. Trump will not concede. No military briefings for Groper-elect Joe. Traitor Barr says election clean. Trump splits with special counsel. Trump team continues futility. NYC gun violence shoots up, De Blaiso to blame. De Blaise seeks to redistribute wealth. Mexican President slams lockdowns as a form of dictatorship. Sidney Powell to Supreme Court is a Game Changer’s game changer. Lin Wood has proof John Roberts is dirty and should step down. Scamdemic soars to new heights of wanton gaslighting. Don’t take the jab--32 sane Doctors in 11 countries. Peloshi fake quackccination--with the cap left on. CDC issues new guidlines after thousands seriously ill after first jab to rewrite their DNA. Andrew Yang calls for mark of the beast. Don’t let the Satanists take your guns.

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