THE TRUTH: How to Make the World a Better Place

3 years ago

One of the things I’ve been thinking about recently is how so few people take the time to reflect upon their beliefs, especially as it pertains to their political beliefs.

When was the last time you sat down and thought about the pros/cons of your political positions? When was the last time you investigated a political position from all angles before firmly planting your feet?

A common trend I see is:

You get your virtue signal from friends/family/media who think like you.
You lightly support the position.

You get more virtue signals from friends/family/media who think like you.
You strongly support the position.

You seek confirmation (many people are addicted to a sense of certainty because it makes them feel more motivated).

You avoid (and in some cases squash) dissent.

You promote the position.

By the end of this process you are “radicalized” on the issue. You have so much of your identity wrapped up in it. To actively pursue the truth with an open-mind requires too much courage from the average person because let’s say you come upon a “truth” that differs with your group… should you speak it? Why speak it when you could lose your job/friends/status and then because we can never be 100% sure of anything you may end up being wrong anyway so isn’t it better to shut your mouth or better yet to have never opened your mind?

What are you willing to lose for the truth?

Be truthful with yourself.

How many times in your life have you cast aside the truth like a disposable paper cup for the convenience of the moment?

All too often people make the truth expendable when it conflicts with their self-interest. But for our society to work, we must cherish the truth like a god. We must revere and respect it. We must put our faith in the truth! We must put our pursuit of the truth above our own self-interest/ego because in so doing we’ll make the world a better place.

At least that’s what I’d like to think is true.

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