The Fetz Presents: Jack Mullen (18 August 2020)

2 years ago

A devastating analysis of where we are and where we are going (but not for long): the CV fantasy is only the opening gambit in the mass murder (deliberate killing) of most Americans, where the military-industrial related web site, Deagle, has projected that the US population will drop dramatically from around 330,000,000 today to around 99,000,000 in 2025 (less than 5 years hence): 5G will be used to kill us in large numbers as the 2nd wave of the (fake) coronavirus pandemic, where our cities are being destroyed (on purpose) to be rebuilt as housing units on the Chinese model and where their mode of a "social merit" system will be used to manage and control our behavior. If we could bring ourselves to reject the mask mandate (which has no scientific basis; on the contrary, wearing them is harmful to human beings), we might be able to reverse the destruction of America and its conversion into a medieval society of very rich and very poor. But the prospects are remote and the fate of the nation appears to be (virtually) inevitable.

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