Real Deal Reports, Aug 7, 2020 - It's Happening: President Goes Underground - Ryan/Bara/Fetzer

1 year ago

Real Deal Reports (7 August 2020) with Dean Ryan in Austin and Mike Bara in Seattle. More on Beirut, which appears to have been an Israeli strike against a purported Hezbollah weapons depot, but where the damage to Lebanon turns out to be catastrophic. The President has departed the White House for (what we believe to be) an underground command and control center to conduct ops agains the Deep State in his efforts to "Drain the Swamp", which looks very real at this point in time. The evidence that Anthony "Tony the Rat" Fauci has massively wronged the nation continues to grow, where the Democrats continue to hope against hope that the public will hold Trump responsible for the massive damage they are inflicting in the wishful thought that it will be held against him in November.

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