Dr. Robert Malone: MSM is propaganda arm for pharma; alarming, explosive adverse event data 😱

1 year ago


- Corporate media is fully captured by pharma. Pharma advertising and sponsorships form major part of their revenue: Whose bread I eat, whose song I sing. U.S. Government has also provided traditional media with large amounts of money for vaccine propaganda. See:

U.S. government reserved $1 BILLION of TAXPAYER money for regular media vaccine propaganda in 2021

- New strategy to make COVID 'vaccines' analogous to flu vaccines. They're trying to get rules in place so that the composition of the jabs can be updated for new 'variants' without the requirement for any additional safety and efficacy testing. The new versions are just going to be assumed to be safe and effective, because the original version was also 'proved' to be safe and effective, and this is just a new and improved version with only minor changes.

- The review committees in the CDC and FDA have been stacked by wringers who support pharma. Regardless of the (lack of) necessity, safety and efficacy data, the committees will always decide what's in the best interest of pharma. Public health will be of minor relevance.

- They're trying to get kids as young as possible to be injected. Problem is the studies published in high quality journals show that the immune system of the COVID vaxxed is screwed up by 'immune imprinting': the system keeps rigidly producing a defense to an old version of a pathogen, which leaves it vulnerable when confronted with a new version of a pathogen.

- Another problem is suppression of T- and B-cell responses of the immune system, which leads to more general immunodeficiency (VAIDS). The enormous increase in reports of for instance (reactivation of) shingles, herpes and Epstein-Barr, but also flu after vaccination, confirms this.

- Plan for 'improved' COVID jab next fall. It will not only contain genetic code for the spike of Wuhan strain (which has been gone for 2 years), but also for specific Omicron strains (which will be obsolete by that time also). Narrow, non-sterilizing mass vaccination against a rapidly mutating pathogen will always be a recipe for failure. No matter how fast you iterate the recipe of the vaccine and inject people, mutation of the pathogen will always be faster.

- Enormous push for mass injection, even for zero risk group, is about much more than enrichment of big pharma. Overarching goal is central digital currency and ability to control all economic activity.

- New VAERS analysis by dr. James Thorp covered by Epoch times shows alarming, explosive increase in rates of adverse event reports which are so enormous and abrupt that the only plausible explanation can be the mass injection campaign:

Abnormal uterine bleeding / menstrual irregularities: 1000x increase
Miscarriages: 50x increase
Fetal chromosal abnormalities: 100x increase
Fetal malformation: 30-50x increase
Cardiac disorders in foetus: 40x increase
Fetal arrhythmia: 50x increase
Fetal cardiac arrest: 200x increase

Number are probably from the following video interview from dr. James Thorp (behind paywall):

Spike in Miscarriages, Fetal Deaths, Uterus Shedding: Fertility Doctor on Vaccine Side Effects in Pregnant Women

Accompanying written article (also behind paywall):

COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis

- Article in The British Medical Journal published last week, shows once more that all Western regulatory authorities are corrupted and therefore cannot be trusted. See:

From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire?


Segment from: https://rumble.com/v1ari09-dr-robert-malone-msm-is-an-arm-of-propaganda-for-the-pharmaceutical-compani.html

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